At Ashover we like the children to wear school uniform because it gives the children a sense of belonging to our school community. We also feel that taking pride in their appearance will encourage them to take pride in their learning. Uniform is not optional but a requirement.


What is our school uniform?


Boys-Grey trousers (shorts permitted in the summer term), yellow polo shirt, bottle green jumper or school fleece and black shoes or plain black trainers.


Girls-Grey skirt, pinafore or trousers, yellow polo shirt, bottle green jumper, cardigan or school fleece and black shoes, plain black trainers or black boots. Yellow or green gingham dresses and white sandals may also be worn in the summer term.


Below is a link to our school uniform provider where parents can place online orders of uniform with the school logo on however, uniform bought from super markets and high street stores is acceptable. We do encourage parents to ensure their child’s name is on all of their uniform items.


Ashover Primary School


PE kits-Children don’t get changed for PE in school but they should come to school on their PE days wearing their PE kits. At the start of the school year parents are informed of their usual class PE days, if there are any changes to these days due to school events parents will be informed. When children start at Ashover they will be placed in a School House Team-red, yellow or blue. The children wear a red, yellow or blue t-shirt on their PE day.


What should my child wear on a PE day?


Boys-black shorts or joggers, blue/red/yellow t-shirt and a bottle green jumper, fleece or hoodie and trainers (black are preferred).


Girls- black shorts, joggers or leggings, blue/red/yellow t-shirt and a bottle green jumper, fleece or hoodie and trainers (black are preferred).


Second Hand Uniform Shop


One of our parents takes donations of second-hand uniform and washes and sells this. All proceeds go to our Parent/Teacher Association-Friends of Ashover School. Please contact the school for further information.