Useful Information

Safeguarding at Ashover Primary School

Ashover Primary School make the safeguarding of it's pupils it's highest priority. All staff and governors attend annual safeguarding training and keep up to date with the latest developments and changes in Keeping Children Safe in Education. Staff and governor recruitment ensures that all the necessary safety checks are completed prior to staff being inducted into the school.

If you have any safeguarding concerns about a child please call the police or Derbyshire Starting Point on 01246 533190. For non-urgent safeguarding concerns, please email the school's Designated Safeguarding Lead at

Please see our Safeguarding Information Leaflet below:

Please also see the child protection policy in the policy section of the school website: please click here


Please see below where different aspects of Safeguarding are covered with pupils as part of the curriculum:


At Ashover we have Anti Stigma Ambassadors that receive regular training in order for them to be able to support their peers with mental well being. They have made the posters that can be found at the link below with some handy tips:

Mental Well Being Poster 1

Mental Well Being Poster 3

Mental Well Being Poster 4


Useful Information

Safeguarding at Ashover Primary School

Ashover Primary School make the safeguarding of it's pupils it's highest priority. All staff and governors attend annual safeguarding training and keep up to date with the latest developments and changes in Keeping Children Safe in Education. Staff and governor recruitment ensures that all the necessary safety checks are completed prior to staff being inducted into the school.

If you have any safeguarding concerns about a child please call the police or Derbyshire Starting Point on 01246 533190. For non-urgent safeguarding concerns, please email the school's Designated Safeguarding Lead at

Please see our Safeguarding Information Leaflet below:

Please also see the child protection policy in the policy section of the school website: please click here


Please see below where different aspects of Safeguarding are covered with pupils as part of the curriculum:


At Ashover we have Anti Stigma Ambassadors that receive regular training in order for them to be able to support their peers with mental well being. They have made the posters that can be found at the link below with some handy tips:

Mental Well Being Poster 1

Mental Well Being Poster 3

Mental Well Being Poster 4


Useful Information

Safeguarding at Ashover Primary School

Ashover Primary School make the safeguarding of it's pupils it's highest priority. All staff and governors attend annual safeguarding training and keep up to date with the latest developments and changes in Keeping Children Safe in Education. Staff and governor recruitment ensures that all the necessary safety checks are completed prior to staff being inducted into the school.

If you have any safeguarding concerns about a child please call the police or Derbyshire Starting Point on 01246 533190. For non-urgent safeguarding concerns, please email the school's Designated Safeguarding Lead at

Please see our Safeguarding Information Leaflet below:

Please also see the child protection policy in the policy section of the school website: please click here


Please see below where different aspects of Safeguarding are covered with pupils as part of the curriculum:


At Ashover we have Anti Stigma Ambassadors that receive regular training in order for them to be able to support their peers with mental well being. They have made the posters that can be found at the link below with some handy tips:

Mental Well Being Poster 1

Mental Well Being Poster 3

Mental Well Being Poster 4