Disclosure of Interests

The interests declared by governors were as follows:

Governor Employer(s) Businesses in which a partner or sole trader Company directorships / Charity trustees Organisations in which hold a position of general control or management Contracts offered for the supply of goods and/or services to school Children in school (2022-23) Other, including beneficial interest in land or property adjacent to or very close to school

Nick Watts

Assistant Headteacher



None None

Year 2
(1 child)

Charlotte Harrison              
Georgina Smith              
Ellen Hardwick Lea Primary School       (Derbyshire County Council) None None

Vice Chair of Ashover Parish Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group


Year 6 (1 child)

Mark Barltrop

Balfour Beatty

None None None None

Year 3 (1 child)

Robin Wilson

Primary School Teacher - Ashover Primary School

None None None None



Sue Myhill


Ashover Primary School (Derbyshire County Council)

None None Member of the Senior Leadership Team at Ashover Primary School None



Matt Guest






Note 1 - All governors answered “none” to the following:

  • Gifts or hospitality offered by external bodies while acting as a governor and whether declined or accepted 
  • Relationships with members of the school staff including spouses, partners and relatives
  • Details of any governor position held at another educational establishment